Animals and what about them?

Facts About Animals


Thycalin or also known as the Tasmanian Tiger was a animal that was last captured and seen in 1933 and died out due to excessive hunting from humans.

Addition facts:

Thycalin was most commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger due to the fact that It lived in Tasmania. The tiger part of the name was due to it's stripes having similar features to tigers on it's lower back.

The Thycalin was carnivorous and it may have feasted on:

-Tasmanian emus




-and it may have even preyed on larger animals due to it's jaw being able to open at a abnormal angle.

"If we save our wild places, we will ultimately save ourselves"

Steve Irwin

The Dodo was a flightless bird due to the fact that they never had predators. They were lost due to excessive hunting and invasive species brought by settlers

Addition facts:

It's not exactly known how it exactly got it's name it is believed that the word Dodo is derived from the dutch word Dodaars which means either fat or knotted arse in reference to its feather tail. Dodo was first mentioned in Sir thomas Herbert 1634 Travellogue who claimed that the term came from the Portugese.

The Dodos are believed to have been omnivores an some examples of what they might have ate are:





-and crabs

“The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we must and we will.”

Theodore Roosevelt
Northern White Rhinoceros

The northern white rhinoceros was a subspecies of white rhinoceros and was lost in 2018 due to poaching and loss of habitat.

Addition facts:

Was named after the fact that it mostly appears in the northern parts of Uganda and that it was a subspecies of white Rhinoceros

Northern white rhinoceros were Vegetarian and it's diet consisted of:

- Just grass because it was also considered a grazer as that was its only food source.

Why do animals go extinct?

About 150 species become extinct on an average day.

One reason why animals have become extinct is because of climate change which posses a constant danger to land animals. For instance, about 11,000 years ago during the last Ice Age, megafauna mammals went extinct because they were unable to adapt to warm temperatures quickly. This included the woolly mammoth.

Species can also disappear because of the changes of the Earth caused by people. For instance, people hunt, over harvest, introduce new species to the wild and cause pollution. As more extinctions occur, the planet’s biodiversity is reduced and this can have adverse effects for every life on Earth. Introduced species is when a new kind of plant or animal is brought into an ecosystem where it can become invasive. The new species could quickly take over and kill off other species which might destroy an important section of the food chain and harm many other species.

A lot of species have been hunted to the point of endangerment or even extinction. An example is the American Bison. There were about millions of this species that existed in North America. However, once the Europeans arrived, they were constantly hunted until there were only a few hundred left. Luckily, the species that were put onto farms and ranches in order to be protected survived. Another example is the Dodo bird, also known as Raphus cucullatus. For instance, about a 100 years after humans discovered the bird, it went extinct because it was constantly hunted due to the fact that it was easy to capture.

Many animals also vanish because they no longer have their homes to live in. Almost every animal species needs its own space to roam free, therefore, when human civilization expands into the wild, animals' natural habitats are diminished. Also, deforestation causes many birds and other species to lose their homes.

An increase in pollution can also impact biodiversity in a harmful way. An example is that sewage and run-off from industries could poison the freshwater bodies of water like lakes and rivers. This later has a great impact on both humans and aquatic life because both humans and animals drink water from rivers. Also, people tend to litter plastic and even though they litter plastic on land it eventually gets into the ocean. Marine animals can become entangled in the plastic or they might try injecting and can lead to suffocation.